Everything in the Universe is fundamentally a system of some sort. And all systems fundamentally have the same Universal Dynamics…
Our Universe is fundamentally the interplay of 2 things; Energy and Probability. Excessive Energy can cause Incompressible Dynamics. Probability can cause Random Energy Clustering which can ultimately lead to Natural Reinforcement. And the interplay of both incompressible dynamics and probabilistic reinforcement can cause the emergence of Self-Integrated Matter.
Everything in the universe is ultimately some type of “System”. These systems have a range of behavior from Simple Non-Adaptive Systems to Complex Adaptive Systems. All systems are essentially the interplay of 2 things; Energy and Feedback. Excessive Energy can cause Incompressible Dynamics. Feedback can cause Natural Reinforcement. And the interplay of Incompressible Energy and Natural Reinforcement can cause of the emergence of Self-Integrated Complexity.
The Brain is a Complex Adaptive System. The Brain is capable of modeling Data from the External World. The more data the brain is exposed to the more likely there will be diversity within the data. The Brain is dominated by 2 things; External Data and Conscious Evaluation. An excess of data can produce a great diversity of data. Experimentation can extract information and knowledge from data. And the interplay of both a Diversity of Data and Conscious Evaluation can generate Spontaneous Self-Integration and Deep Intuition…
The Mind is a Complex Adaptive System. The Mind is capable of modeling Thoughts and Intuitions from its own Internal World. The more thoughts the mind is willing to entertain the more likely there is diversity within the thoughts. The Mind is dominated by 2 things; Thoughts and Feelings. A lot of thoughts can produce a great diversity of intuition. Thinking can extract ideas from thoughts and intuitions. And the interplay of both a Diversity of Intuition and Emotional Reinforcement can generate Spontaneous Self-Integration and Deep Creativity…